Hey there, I’m excited to recount the whirlwind experience of single-handedly developing the Lociware Booking web and mobile apps within a mere two weeks.Read More
Thaba Chweu Local Municipality – Website
I worked on this site with a colleague of mine, we managed to complete the website in a period of 5 days. Link to theRead More
SuperSport Timeline App
SS Timeline is an app that enables external and internal viewers of SuperSport to gather access about the shows and matches that are playing outRead More
iBuy Afrika – online store
This is not yet launched, however you can check the site on the below link: http://ibuyafrika.com
Oath Scrubs – Online Store
E-commerce site , check the link below:
SME Helpdesk – Vensygroup
This is an internal portal , only employees can access the system.